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The module 3DVEM — GEO allows the user to apply globally or interactively 3D transformations (translation, scale and rotation) to the data (point clouds and/or imported models), and in the case of files with control points, georeferenced the objects in a global reference system, either in Cartesian coordinates XYZ or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) cartographic coordinates (in different datum). Furthermore, this module allows the application of the absolute transformation to 3D objects obtained by photogrammetric/computer vision/SfM techniques in a simple and interactive way.

The GEOreferencing module contains functions related to the absolute transformation. Therefore, it can be used to carry out a Global transformation (to the whole project), a 3D transformation (selecting interactively features, vid. next figure), and a least squares Adjustment from control points (either in a local, global or UTM system).

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